How can I evaluate your work?
In order to evaluate my work, just like that of any other photographer, it is not enough to simply look at the selection of photos taken randomly from the services done over the years (like the selection you find on this page), however, it is necessary to see a series of complete services. Only in this way can you manage to get a clear idea of my approach and style.
You can find my complete works in the Wedding Stories section
What are your prices?
My services start from 1300 €. If you would like further details please send an email to:
How are your services structured and organized?
My services last about 10 hours and follow all stages of the wedding, from preparation to the party (included).
Do you work alone?
Generally no, I always work with an assistant or a second photographer, depending on the type of service chosen by the bride and groom.
What is the turnaround time for the service?
Within 30 days from the date of the ceremony, I will deliver all the images taken.
If you are not interested in the album and have opted for a package that includes only digital photos, our business shall end here. Otherwise, it will be your responsibility, after viewing the files, to indicate to me the photos you would like to include in the album. Based on your selection I will make a draft of the layout and submit it to you, so that you can point me to any changes that need to be made. After you agree and have given me your confirmation, the album will be sent to print. At this point it will take 30 to 60 days to get the final product.
Why can’t I find industry association ‘stamps’ on your website?
Because I am not currently affiliated with any wedding photographers’ association. In the past I have been a member of ANFM, FIOF, WPJA and ISPWP, all of which are very serious national and international associations. Membership in an association should guarantee a very high level of competence and professionalism. However, in recent years there has been an astonishing proliferation of associations, with the result that any photographer, professional or not, good or not so good, can get his or her own fine stamp to put on the home page of their website. So if everyone can get a sticker, and if clients don’t know which association is more serious than the others, why should I pay one or more association fees?
Is it possible to meet with you to talk in person and see some printed work?
Absolutely, after you request a quote we can set up an appointment in my studio or by video call.
What are the travel expenses?
Travel expenses include all costs related to transportation, lodging for two people, etc.
If the wedding location is at least a two-hour drive from Grosseto (we refer to the travel time indicated by Google Maps), part of the travel expenses will be charged to the client.
Is post-production of the shots also included in the price of the service?
Certainly, all photos delivered are processed and ready for printing.
What else is included in the price of the service?
Unless otherwise agreed, all my packages include:
- Approximately 10 hours of service (which is the minimum required to follow all stages of the wedding)
- Post-production of all shots (at least 400)
- Delivery of all images (at least 400) in high-resolution JPG format, which means that afterwards, you can print your photos anywhere, without having to return to my studio.
Do I have to feed the photographers?
Absolutely, for sure, but not because photographers are freeloaders, as you are probably thinking at this time. They simply need to be fed and given water so they don’t pass out during the 10 to 12 hours of service.
If you would like to go the extra mile and make them very happy, set up a table for them in the background, where they can keep their equipment bags and relax a bit during downtime (but not too far away, if possible, from the other guests, so that they can always keep an eye on the situation and have it under control).
It is not required that you serve a full course wedding banquet meal to the photographers; the children’s menu or a simple menu would be more than sufficient.